6 Cycling Superfoods

Michael Finch |


As a cyclist, you need about 70 to 100 grams of protein a day. Just this little bit of salmon deliver 22 grams of protein, with less than 5 grams of fat. What’s more, salmon and other cold-water, fatty fish are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids.

Omega-3s reduce blood clotting and inflammation in your arteries, so they lower your risk for heart disease and stroke. They also keep your immune system strong. As a bonus, research suggests that omega-3 acids may enhance blood flow to your muscles, which could keep you riding longer and stronger. Salmon is especially yummy poached or grilled, but that takes effort.

Salmon and Mayo

For a quick and easy salmon serving, crack open a can (the new canned varieties are pure meat-no skin or bones) and mix it with a little light mayo as you would tuna.

Serving: 85 grams
Carbo (grams): 0
Protein (grams): 22
Fibre (grams): 0
Kilojoules: 530

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