6 Cycling Superfoods

Michael Finch |

Red Peppers

Vitamin C is a cyclist’s best friend for keeping healthy and recovering strong, and 1 cup of chopped red peppers packs 142 milligrams of the stuff-more than twice the amount you’d get from a medium-size orange and more than twice the 60 mg Daily Value. This powerful antioxidant reduces the soreness associated with free-radical muscle damage, and it boosts your immune system, so you’re less susceptible to colds and sickness. “Red peppers are also an excellent source of beta carotene,” says Ragone.

Sweet Snack

Chop up sweet red peppers and toss them into a baggie for a crunchy snack during the day. Feel free to dip them in a little ranch dressing, as a touch of fat helps your body absorb the beta carotene.

Serving: 1/2 cup chopped
Carbo (grams): 5
Protein (grams): .5
Fibre (grams): 1.5
Kilojoules: 84

READ MORE ON: linguini pasta red peppers salmon superfood sweet potatoes

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