Your Ideal Cycling Weight

Michael Finch |


If you fit one or more of the descriptions below, use the following steps to estimate a weight that will maximize your body composition.
[box]—You ride four or more days a week, including hard-charging training rides.
—You want to be competitive in the Cycle Tour do a hard century, or race occasionally.
—You want to maximise your body composition and gain more power.
—The target ideal weight you calculated in option 1 is greater than your current weight.[/box]

Body composition is a set of percentages that breaks down your weight into fat and lean pedal-pushing muscle. You’ll get the most accurate reading from a special body-composition scale. (You can buy these devices, which are also found in some gyms.) To get the most precise reading, make sure you use or purchase one that takes into account fitness level and follow the directions carefully. The reading is sensitive to your hydration level and, for women, menstrual cycles. Like your weight, the figure will fluctuate, so try to calculate your average numbers over a couple of weeks. Avoid online calculators; they don’t provide accurate readings for active people.

Next, compare your reading to the percentages in the chart below, which are listed according to fitness levels.

Your current body fat ____________%

Healthy body-fat ranges are 10 to 25 percent for men and 18 to 30 percent for women (who naturally have more fat). Athletes in top form may fall below these numbers. If your body-fat percentage is higher, decide on a goal number within the healthy range. But be realistic and don’t just target the lowest possible percentage. “Having a bit more body fat is better for your immune system and for consistency on the bike,” Allen says.

Your body-fat goal ____________%

Next, use these formulas to come up with a goal weight based on body composition:

Step 1
Figure out how many kilograms of body fat you have:
Your current weight x your body-fat percentage = ______kg
(Example: 91kg x 28% = 25.5kg)

Step 2
Next, figure out your lean body mass:
Your current weight – pounds of body fat = ______kg
(Example: 91kg – 25.5kg = 65.5kg)

Step 3
Now, subtract your goal body-fat percentage from 100%
(Example: 100% – 20% = 80%)
Your answer __________

Step 4
Divide your lean body mass from Step 2 by your answer to Step 3
(Example: 65.5kh / 80% = 82 kg)
Your answer ______kg
This is your target ideal weight based on body composition.

Option 1: Shed Excess Weight
Option 2: Get Leaner and Faster
Option 3: Get Competitive

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