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Evolution Of The Velo

The bicycle has most certainly come a long way with new technology introduced every year. – By Cherise Stander

We now have electronic and Bluetooth shifting, electric bikes, and suspension that thinks for you. This has made cycling more competitive and enjoyable, but also a lot more complex when it comes to mechanicals.

Now more than ever, you need to make sure that your bike receives all the attention and love it requires – and that means taking it in for regular services. That way, you ensure you’ll enjoy all the benefits your trusty steed has to offer.

It’s important to remember the basics, and most shops now have technical workshop evenings where they explain how to fix basic mechanicals such as changing a tyre, putting in a plug, and fixing a broken chain. These basic skills can save you a lot of time once you’ve mastered them, and you never have to worry about being stranded on the side of the road. I would definitely advise you to enquire at your LBS about workshop evenings. Even experienced riders could learn something new.

My own progress has hit a bit of a pause, as Thomas has started teething. I’ve also discovered that ‘sleep when your baby sleeps’ doesn’t work for me, because my baby… doesn’t! We’re up every two hours through the night, while going through the days feeling like zombies. Hopefully this phase should be coming to an end – well, at least until the next tooth arrives.

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