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6 Rules for Packing a Clean Lunch

Skip the takeaways, and eat clean instead.

Dollar Photo Club

Lunch is arguably the most difficult meal to eat clean. You’re away from home, and confronted with less-than-awesome fast-food options. That’s why packing your own lunch is key to maintaining a clean diet. We explain just what a clean, healthy, filling lunch looks like:

1/ Protein

Always For maximum nutrition and to stay fuller for longer, pack lunches that contain a lean protein (chicken, tuna salad), some high-quality fat (nuts, seeds, avocado), and complex carbs (fruits, veggies, quinoa, brown rice).

2/ Don’t Skip Snacks

Don’t kid yourself – you can’t get through the day without snacks. Toss a few high-nutrient or high-protein snacks in your lunch box, so you don’t end up at the café.

3/ Hydrate!

Pack a big water bottle, and plonk it right on your desk at work. Refill it a few times each day, so you’re not tempted to drink a cooldrink or juice, and this way you’ll fool yourself into drinking more water.

4/ Re-make Your Sandwich.

Build a cleaner sandwich by making it on whole-grain bread and loading it with fresh veggies, your favourite protein, and a low-sugar condiment.

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