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Eat Cleaner, Ride Faster

The idea of ‘eating clean’ is more than an excuse for your friends to Instagram their salads. It means means filling your plate with nutrient-rich, whole foods that have undergone as little processing as possible.

Clean eating is not just about staying lean, it helps improve your energy levels and sleep quality – all of which translate to better performance on the bike. Try these five clean-food swops to improve your fuel before, during, and after the ride.


Not Clean: Farm-raised
Clean: Tinned wild
Cleanest: Fresh wild

Farm-raised salmon is far more likely to be exposed to antibiotics and persistent organic pollutants – which are associated with obesity, diabetes, and cancer – than fish raised in a natural environment. If you can’t get fresh wild salmon, go for the tinned wild stuff before settling for fresh but farmed: The salmon will still give you a helping of protein and heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, without the scary stuff.


Not Clean: White
Cleaner: Brown
Cleanest: Wild

White rice isn’t necessarily unhealthy, but its nutritional value doesn’t measure up to wild or brown varieties. Mild and nutty, brown rice still contains the fibre-rich bran and germ, making it less likely to contribute to mood- and energy-altering blood-sugar spikes and drops. But wild rice is even more nutrient-dense than brown rice (though it is lower in carbs).



Cooking Oil

Not Clean: Chemically extracted
Cleaner: Expeller-pressed
Cleanest: Organic expeller-pressed

Many oils are extracted from their sources via a process using toxic chemicals. Manufacturers then refine the oil to make it edible, which speeds up oxidation and causes it to go rancid faster. Instead, choose oil that is expeller-pressed or cold pressed (mechanically extracted). Even better, go organic: Olive, canola, coconut, and sunflower are healthy options.


Not Clean: Table sugar, agave nectar
Cleaner: Coconut sugar,
Cleanest: Raw honey, pure maple syrup, molasses

White table sugar is highly processed, and agave is high in fructose, which could cause changes in liver function and insulin sensitivity. Coconut sugar is less processed, but doesn’t offer many health benefits. Meanwhile, raw honey has antimicrobial properties and may fight cold symptoms. Maple syrup and molasses contain antioxidants that can speed recovery time.

Energy Bars

Not Clean: Synthetic ingredients
Cleaner: Mostly whole-food ingredients
Cleanest: Fewer than 10 ingredients and 10 grams of sugar

An ideal bar will contain no added sugar or overly processed ingredients – and give you a balance of carbs, fats, and protein to stay energised and full. A good general rule: the number of grams of protein should be at least half the number of carbs. Look for bars that get their sweetness from dried fruit only, or natural sugars like honey or maple syrup.

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