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Healthy Foods You Shouldn’t Overdo

Eating large amounts of healthy foods seems like a good idea right? Not according to sports nutritionist Tavis Piattoly, R.D, “any food, even healthy food, in excess won’t only pack on kilos, it can also hurt your performance”. In extreme cases, it can even make you sick. Here are five foods health-minded riders can easily overdo…


Boerewors rolls, ice cream, burgers and other junk-food classics can instantly become healthy treats if they’re made with soy, right? Not so fast. Soy protein may help lower cholesterol, but it’s questionable whether or not it fights cancer, as once believed. In fact, some researchers think superhigh soy intake might trigger some cancers. Healthy limits: Scientists agree that two to three servings (about 25 grams) of soy foods, such as soy milk, soy burgers and tofu, are safe. But if you’re pouring soy milk over soy cereal and stuffing a soy-based energy bar into your pocket to eat later, you may be overdoing it.


At some point recreational athletes began worrying about dehydration so much they started drinking themselves to death. Hyponatremia, dangerously low salt levels that lead to swelling of the brain, is a rare but growing concern at endurance events where racers OD on H2O – sometimes drinking more than a litre per hour for four or five hours. Performance-wise, less can be more. In a recent study, South African researchers asked runners to drink at three different rates: according to thirst (380ml per hour); at a moderate rate (10ml every 15 to 20 minutes) or at a high rate (30ml every 15 to 20 minutes). After two hours of exercise, there was no difference among the groups in core body temperature or finishing times, but some high-rate guzzlers had stomach distress. Healthy limits: bicycling advises drinking at a moderate rate (about one 500ml bottle an hour). But let your thirst be your guide. If it’s a hot day, drink a little more. Just don’t force down tons of liquid because you think you have to. For rides lasting more than an hour, pack a sports drink; the electrolytes help prevent hyponatremia.


Many athletes think protein is the wonder nutrient, so they eat protein-fortified foods, says Piattoly. “But your body can process only about 4 to 5 grams of protein per hour, so the 50 grams you got from that protein bar and shake will take about 10 hours to digest and absorb.” Your body needs protein to repair and build muscle, but eating excessive amounts won’t do the job better. Some people fill up on protein and don’t eat enough carbs, says Piattoly. Some experts believe excessive protein also stresses your kidneys. Healthy limits: Active cyclists need one-half to three-quarters of a gram of protein a day per kg of body weight, typically about 90 to 135 grams a day for a 82kg man and 70 to 105 grams for a 64kg woman. A serving of chicken delivers 25 grams and a glass of milk another 10 grams, so it’s easy to get enough through a healthy diet.


Though fish contains healthy omega-3 fatty acids that help fight heart disease, and maybe even Alzheimer’s, it also contains heavy-metal toxins such as mercury (especially in large fish, such as tuna, swordfish and shark), which when eaten regularly can remain in your system, and in large amounts can lead to serious health and cognitive problems, including heart disease and reduced memory and concentration. Healthy limits: Choose cold-water fish known to contain less mercury, such as salmon, herring and sardines, which are high in omega-3s. Or, limit yourself to two meals of fish per week.


The average person eats about 12 grams of fibre a day, but we should be topping out at around 25 to 30. High-fibre foods lower cholesterol, help manage blood sugar and digest slowly so you feel full longer and don’t overeat. When you’re fueling for a big ride or race, though, timing is everything. “Two bowls of high-fibre cereal, such as Kashi or Raisin Bran, right before a ride might not sit right – or might sit longer than you want,” says Piattoly. A big dose of fibre before exercise can lead to nausea, constipation and other GI upset. Healthy limits: About an hour or two before exercise, eat easy-to-digest lower-fibre carbohydrates such as bagels, bananas and energy bars. Avoid foods that have more than 5 grams of fibre per serving.


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