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5 Savvy Snack Swops

Late-night snacking doesn’t have to be a bad thing – as long as you make the right choices. – By Matthew Kadey
If you put in serious saddle time during the day, there’s a good chance you’ll find yourself raiding the fridge at night as your metabolism continues to rev. There’s nothing wrong with night-time noshing, says registered sports dietician Cassie Dimmick, as long as you’re truly hungry and not just eating out of habit. Stick to snacks that are 1 200kJ or less, says Dimmick, and make sure to budget them as­ part of your recommended daily intake. Most importantly, reach for whole, minimally-processed foods. “Smart choices can curb cravings and provide vital nutrients to support training,” she says. Try our savvy snack swops below.

[box]Pass Up: Potato chips
GRAB: Popcorn

“You can have three cups of air-popped popcorn, compared with six potato chips, for about 370kJ,” says Dimmick. What’s more, popcorn is a whole grain, and research has shown that its antioxidant capacity ­is on par with that of fruits and vegetables. ­Experiment with flavour combinations: smoked salt and parmesan, ­cayenne pepper and lime zest, maple syrup and cinnamon.[/box]

[box]Pass Up: Chocolate cake
GRAB: Dark chocolate

If you crave chocolate, choose the antioxidant-rich dark kind with at least 60 per cent cocoa. “Because it has a more intense flavour,” says Dimmick, “you’ll be satisfied with less.” Dark chocolate has been linked to reduced risk of heart disease and lower body-mass index. And the antioxidants it contains may boost metabolism. A reasonable ­portion is 30 grams. [/box]

[box]Pass Up: Granola
GRAB: Pistachios

Most granola is brimming with added sugar. Opt for shell-on pistachios instead. University researchers have found that the work taking all the shells off caused people to scoff 41 per cent fewer kilojoules than when they snacked on the shelled kind – yet they felt just as satisfied. Pistachios also contain fibre, protein, and healthy fats to quell late-night hunger pangs.[/box]

[box]Pass Up: Ice cream
GRAB: Frozen grapes

Grapes are a good source of bone-strengthening vitamin K, and freezing them only amplifies their natural sweetness (and gives them a smooth consistency, similar to that of an ice lolly). To make: Spread whole red grapes in a single layer on a baking sheet, freeze until firm, then store in an airtight zip-top bag. For a creamier snack, chop up a few and stir into plain Greek yoghurt. [/box]

[box]Pass Up: Biscuits
GRAB: Whole-grain bread

Look for whole-grain (such as wholewheat) listed as the first ingredient. It will provide a hearty dose of fibre to help you feel full for longer, so that you’re less likely to sleepwalk your way to the cookie jar. A healthy slice of wholewheat bread should have no more than 450 kilojoules, leaving room to jazz it up with sliced banana or a tablespoon of natural peanut butter. [/box]

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