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4 Rides That Will Shed Weight – and Make You Faster

Don’t diet, just pedal! – By Selene Yeager

1. Coffee-Fuelled

Why it works Before breakfast, your energy stores are only about a quarter to a third full, so if you don’t eat, your body is forced to burn fat primarily for fuel.

How to do it Once or twice a week, have only black coffee (it releases stored fats into your bloodstream for quicker access, and makes your effort feel easier), then ride, says Gale Bernhardt, Olympic cycling coach. Save breakfast for after. Out for longer than 90 minutes? Start fuelling after 75 minutes to avoid bonking.

RELATED: Your Coffee’s Surprising Anti-Aging Benefit

2. Miracle Intervals

Why they work Bernhardt calls max-intensity efforts “miracle intervals” because of how effectively they burn fat and boost muscle-building human growth hormone.

How to do it Once or twice a week, warm up, then do 30 seconds all out, followed by 4 minutes and 30 seconds of easy spinning; then 20 seconds all out, 4:40 easy; 10 seconds all out, 4:50 easy. Repeat two more times. Cool down.

RELATED: Smart Ways to Make Intervals Easier

3. Spin-Ups

Why they work One study found that when cyclists upped their cadence from 50 to 110 rpm, their energy demands increased tenfold, boosting kilojoules burned. It also keeps your legs feeling fresh longer.

How to do it Twice a week, as part of a longer ride, warm up for 15 minutes, then pedal just over your comfortable rate for five minutes – your heart rate should rise slightly. Reduce your cadence back to your comfort level for five minutes. Repeat two more times. Cool down.

4. ’Round Town

Why it works Riding even 10 minutes here and there helps keep your metabolism humming so that when you’re back at a desk or on the couch, you burn more energy than if you hadn’t ridden. One study also found that participants reported feeling less hungry in the afternoon after doing intermittent bouts of exercise throughout the day. how to do it For trips under 10km, forgo your car or public transport, and ride your bike.

RELATED: 4 Workouts For Cyclists Who Hate Intervals

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