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6 Core-Smoking Moves You Should Be Doing


When you’re crushing a ride, you aren’t about to back down from a challenge. When facing that grueling, uphill climb, you lean in, power up, and leave just enough gas in the tank to get to the top. It’s pretty much beast mode.

So, it comes as no surprise that you take this intensity to the gym. From squatting and deadlifting to increasing upper body strength, keeping your body strong builds better performance on the bike. And while your legs do play a major role in propelling you up a giant hill, it’s actually your core muscles that really kick in the extra power.

“The key to becoming a stronger, more resilient cyclist, is to strengthen your core,” explains avid mountain biker and fitness instructor, Hollis Tuttle. Since your core transfers forces between your extremities, Tuttle says it must be solid and stable before any powerful movement, like a pedal stroke, can occur. “Having a stronger core will allow you to transfer more power through the legs, improve posture, and reduce the risk of injury.”

To help with that power transfer, Tuttle created a workout with six core-smoking moves you can do with just a resistance band. What makes these core exercises so effective is they also challenge other parts of your body, too. You’ll build strength in your chest, shoulders, back, and glutes, too.

For the exercises below, select a band that feels challenging but allows you to maintain proper form. If your form starts to fall apart, swap your band out for a band with less resistance.

How to do it: Complete 2 rounds of 10 reps of the following 6 exercises. As you become stronger, increase the number of rounds to 3 and then 4.

Pallof Press

Stand perpendicular to the anchor point, keeping band at chest height and taut when pulled straight out in front of chest. Secure feet hip-width apart, soften knees and hinge hips back. Keeping torso still, push band away from the middle of your chest with both hands. When arms are fully extended, hands should be at the center of the chest. Keep core tight to resist rotating towards the anchor point. Return starting position. Complete 10 reps. Change direction and do another 10.

Single-Arm Row

Face the anchor point and line up shoulder of working arm with the band. Secure feet hip-width apart, soften knees, and hinge hips back. Keeping torso still and shoulders square, pull band forwards rib cage, driving elbow straight back. Return to starting position. Complete 10 reps. Change arms and do another 10.

Single-Arm Press

Face away from the anchor point and line up shoulder of working arm with the band. Secure feet hip-width apart and soften knees. Keeping torso upright and still, push band away from rib cage without rotating chest. Return to starting position. Complete 10 reps. Change arms and do another 10 reps.

RELATED: Fire Up Your Arms With This Weight-Free Workout

Banded High-Plank Row

Establish a high plank with head pointing towards the anchor point. Line up shoulder of working arm with band. Secure feet hip-width apart and tighten lower body. Keeping torso still and parallel to the floor, hold band in one hand, and pull band to rib cage without opening hips up. Return to starting position. Complete 10 reps. Change arms and do another 10 reps.

Glute Bridge

Lay on your back with head pointing towards the anchor point. Holding on to the band with both hands, pull it straight out over chest. Arms should be straight and shoulder width apart so that you feel tension on the band. Tuck pelvis and draw ribs in to flatten back to floor. Keeping spine straight, push hips up, and lower back down. Do 10 reps.

Dead Bug

Lay on your back with head pointing towards the anchor point. Holding on to the band with both hands, pull it straight out over chest. Arms should be straight and shoulder width apart so that you feel tension on the band. Tuck pelvis and draw ribs in to flatten back to floor. Bring knees over hips and flex feet. Keeping back on the floor, tap alternating heels on the floor. Do 10 reps per leg.

This article originally appeared on

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