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How to Handle an Angry Driver

No good comes from engaging with road rage. Here’s how to handle getting yelled at while cycling. – By Caitlin Gidding

Photograph by Hannah Weinberger

Spend enough time riding on the road and eventually it’ll happen to you: A passing motorist, irked by your riding style or mere existence on the road, will attempt to engage.

If you’re lucky, this interaction will take the form of a few quick thoughts exchanged about your nighttime visibility, rolling stops, or enviable neon spandex. But more likely, you’ll be on the receiving end of a creatively worded tirade that touches on your right to occupy the street and ultimate worth as a human being.

So what should you do the next time it happens to you?

We spoke with Carl Larson, a long-time advocate for cycling and the improvement of cycling conditions, for expert advice on what to do when a driver yells at you. As cyclists, we’re in the far more vulnerable position in these conflicts, so staying safe—and not escalating with a response—should be your top priority.

“Remember that when you’re dealing with someone yelling at a stranger on the street, you’re not dealing with a rational person,” Larson says. “Responding should be a distant priority after taking note of their license plate in case things get dicey.”

Recognise that you’re not going to change the motorist’s mind by engaging in a street-side yelling match, Larson says—no matter how many witty retorts you’ve got locked and loaded. If you have to respond, resist the urge to ratchet up the tension and instead give the motorist a quick reminder of your humanity.

“I find that nothing pierces a road rager’s balloon quite like simply saying, ‘You scared me,’” Larson says. “And if you can’t resist gesturing, take the upper hand and give a thumbs-up or friendly wave instead of the bird. Just because this person is angry doesn’t mean you have to be.”

So what should you do if a driver gets out of his or her car? Larson says to remember it’s not cowardly to flee a confrontation you didn’t invite. And while yelling at people on the street is generally legal, if you feel physically threatened, get to someplace safe and call the police. Make sure to have a description of the vehicle ready, including the license plate number, if you can get it. And if you see other cyclists experiencing harassment, stick around to provide witness testimony if necessary.

Remember bike commuting (and cycling on the road in general) is fun—and the best way to keep it that way is to follow the rules of the road and not engage with negativity. And if it helps you keep your cool, consider that you don’t want to do anything to publicly threaten your important second job: to be an ambassador of cyclists everywhere.

RELATED: Road Rage: Don’t Be A Victim

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