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These Leg Exercises Add Power to Your Pedal Stroke

leg workouts for cycling

Elevate your power numbers without working harder thanks to these leg exercises, designed to add more force behind your rpms. These moves target muscular strength, power, and stability, which helps to make your pedal stroke more efficient and speedier. Each move targets at least one of your major lower-body muscles, and together, you have one leg workout that hits your lower half from every angle.

How to Use This List of Leg Exercises

Select 5 to 6 of the leg exercises below to create a circuit. Complete the reps as prescribed below, then repeat the circuit for a total of 3 to 4 rounds. Rotate through these leg exercises to keep your muscles guessing and prevent boredom or burnout. Do these workouts 2 or 3 days per week. Each move is demonstrated by Meghan Hayden, a certified personal trainer and master trainer for Technogym, so you can master the proper form.

Tips for Maximizing the Benefits of These Leg Exercises


  1. Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding dumbbells at shoulders, with core tight.
  2. Send hips down and back and bend knees to lower into a squat. Go until thighs are nearly parallel to the ground.
  3. Push through feet to stand back up.
  4. Repeat.

Kettlebell Swing

  1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, with a kettlebell on the floor in front of you.
  2. Hinge at hips by sending butt straight back, keeping back flat. Grab kettlebell with both hands, and set shoulders down and back.
  3. Keeping back flat drag the kettlebell back between legs.
  4. Then, drive feet into ground, engage glutes, and extend hips to swing the kettlebell up to shoulder height.
  5. Allow the ‘bell to swing back down between legs, returning to a hinge position. Make sure to hinge like a deadlift (it’s not a squat).
  6. Repeat.

Single-Leg Deadlift

  1. Hold a kettlebell by the handle in left hand. Stand on right leg.
  2. Keeping that knee slightly bent, hinge at the hip, extending left leg behind you for balance. Continue lowering the kettlebell until you are parallel to the ground.
  3. Drive through right foot to stand back up.
  4. Repeat for a full set.
  5. Then switch sides.

Side Lunge

  1. Hold dumbbells at shoulders and stand with feet hip-width apart.
  2. Take a giant step to the left and bend left knee, sending hips down and back until left thigh is parallel to the floor.
  3. Drive through left foot to stand back up.
  4. Repeat on the opposite side.
  5. Continue alternating.

Box Jump

  1. Stand facing a 12- to 18-inch box or step.
  2. Squat down, then explosively jump up, swinging arms forward for momentum.
  3. Land firmly on the box with knees soft to absorb the impact.
  4. Step back down and repeat.

Leg Press

  1. On a leg press machine, position feet about hip-width apart on the platform. Bend knees and hips 90 degrees. This is your starting position.
  2. Press the platform away from you, straightening legs.
  3. Slowly return to starting position.
  4. Repeat.

Step-Up With Kick Back

  1. Hold a dumbbell in each hand down by sides and stand facing a foot-tall bench or high step.
  2. Step onto the bench with left foot.
  3. At the top of the move, contract glutes and extend right leg behind you, keeping knee straight.
  4. Keeping left foot on the bench, bring right leg back down, then lower back to the floor.
  5. Repeat, completing a full set with one leg.
  6. Then switch sides.

Curtsy Lunge

  1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointed forward.
  2. Take a giant step diagonally backward with right leg, crossing behind the left. Keeping back straight, bend knees and lower toward the floor until right leg is bent 90 degrees.
  3. Push through feet to stand back up.
  4. Repeat on the other leg.
  5. Continue alternating.

Figure-4 Bridge

  1. Lie faceup on the floor with knees bent 90 degrees and feet flat. Cross right ankle over left knee.
  2. Push into left foot and lift hips into the air so body forms a straight line from shoulders to bent knee.
  3. Lower hips back down.
  4. Repeat for a full set.
  5. Then switch sides.

Split Jump

  1. Stand with right leg forward and left leg behind you.
  2. Bend right knee and lower left knee toward the floor, so you’re in a lunge position.
  3. Quickly and powerfully jump up and switch legs in the air, landing with the opposite leg forward and back down in a lunge.
  4. When the back knee grazes the ground, jump again.
  5. Continue alternating.

Note: This is an advanced move, so master a regular lunge first.


  1. Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding a barbell or dumbbells in front of thighs, arms extended and palms facing you. Bend knees slightly.
  2. Keeping back flat, slowly hinge at hips by sending butt straight back to lower the weight as far as comfortably possible.
  3. Pause and engage glutes to stand back up.
  4. Repeat.

Note: This is an advanced move, so start with lighter weight to get the form down first. Be sure not to use your back to lift, but rather your legs.

Pendulum Lunge

  1. Stand holding a dumbbell in each hand down by sides.
  2. Take a step back with right leg, bending the left knee so that the left thigh is parallel to the floor, and the right knee just hovering off the floor.
  3. Press into the left foot and bring right leg back up and forward, immediately swinging it in front of you and into a forward lunge.
  4. Bend right knee, so right thigh is parallel to the floor, and allow the left knee to just hover off the floor. C
  5. ontinue alternating front and back for a full set.
  6. Then switch legs.

Side Step-Up

  1. Stand to the right of a box or step. Place right foot on top, bending knee and hinging at hips.
  2. Drive foot into box or step to stand up, extending hips at the top with left foot hanging off the side.
  3. Step back down.
  4. Repeat for a full set.
  5. Then switch sides.

Stability Ball Hamstring Curl

  1. Lie faceup with legs extended and heels on a stability ball.
  2. Engage abs, back, and glutes and press into heels, lifting hips off the floor so body forms a straight line from heels to shoulders.
  3. Bend knees and pull the ball toward butt, so feet are flat on the ball.
  4. Pause, then straighten legs again.
  5. Repeat.

Jump Squat

  1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and arms at sides.
  2. Send hips down and back to lower into a squat, going until thighs are parallel to the floor.
  3. Then, jump up as explosively as you can while reaching for the ceiling.
  4. Land gently and immediately lower into another squat.
  5. Repeat.

Step-Up With Leg Lift

  1. Hold dumbbells at sides (or put hands on hips if doing it without weight). Stand to the right of a box or step with right leg bent and foot planted on the box.
  2. Straighten the bent leg, driving foot into box to stand up.
  3. At the top, lift the left leg out to the side as high as comfortably possible.
  4. Lower left leg back down, then step back off the box.
  5. Complete a set.
  6. Then switch sides.


  1. Start standing.
  2. Squat down and place both hands on the floor.
  3. Shift weight to hands and jump both feet back behind you so that you are in a high plank position.
  4. Lower belly and chest to floor.
  5. Place hands on floor next to chest and jump legs back in and under you to return to a deep squat.
  6. Jump up reaching for the ceiling.
  7. Repeat.

Pistol Squat

  1. Start standing with feet shoulder-width apart. Beginners should do this next to a wall in case it’s necessary to reach out for balance. Pull shoulders back and keep back straight.
  2. Extend right leg and arms out in front of you or hold a weight at chest for a counter balance.
  3. Slowly send hips down and back and bend left knee to squat toward the floor, keeping foot grounded. Get as low into the squat as possible without losing balance.
  4. Drive back up slowly. Exhale as you rise.
  5. Repeat on other side.

Note: This is an advanced move, so nail your form on a regular, two-footed squat first.

Bulgarian Split Squat

  1. Stand holding a dumbbell in each hand down by sides, with back facing a standard bench or box. Reach right foot back and place the top of the foot on the box.
  2. Bend left leg to lower right knee down toward the floor.
  3. When the left thigh is parallel to the floor, push through left foot to stand back up.
  4. Repeat for a full set.
  5. Then switch sides.

Note: First learn a regular stationary lunge, before taking it to his next-level variation.

Single-Leg Hip Abduction

  1. Place a resistance band around ankles. Lower into a squat with feet about hip-width apart. This is your starting position.
  2. Keeping torso steady, step one foot out to the side.
  3. Return to starting position.
  4. Step other foot out to the side.
  5. Continue alternating.

Monster Walk

  1. Place a resistance band around ankles.
  2. With legs far enough apart to keep tension in the band, step right foot forward on a diagonal.
  3. Step left foot to meet it, still keeping tension on the band.
  4. Then step forward on a diagonal with left foot.
  5. Step right foot to meet it, keeping tension on the band.
  6. Continue alternating until you reach the top of the mat.
  7. Then reverse the movement, walking backward.

Hamstring Lift

  1. Lie facedown, arms bent so hands are folded in front of you, elbows out. Rest forehead on hands to maintain a neutral neck.
  2. Hold a stability ball between ankles with a slight bend in knees.
  3. Squeeze glutes and lift the ball straight up and a few inches off floor.
  4. Lower and repeat.

Single-Leg Walkout

  1. Start standing and shift weight onto left leg.
  2. Bend at waist and place both hands on floor with a slight bend in left leg as right leg goes back behind you.
  3. Walk hands forward until you're in a single-leg high plank. Engage core to support spine.
  4. Slowly walk hands back to left foot and rise up to stand tall.
  5. Repeat for a full set.
  6. Then switch sides.
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