The Best Breakfast For Every Ride

Michael Finch |

Easy Spin

Kilojoules: 800 to 1200
Time before: Thirty to 45 minutes
Strategy: You don’t need much for a sub-two- hour ride. But don’t skip breakfast. “You’ll go into deprivation mode, and risk overeating later,” says Lewin. Just 800 to 1200 kilojoules will replace the glucose you lost while you slept and let you ride longer. Exercisers who eat a small breakfast are able to work out 16 percent longer before tiring, according to one study. Include foods with fibre. “Fibre can also increase the amount of fat you burn during exercise,” Lewin says. It slows digestion, so your glycogen is harder to access, which forces your body to pull energy from your fat stores.
Meal Plan: One cup of oats and half a banana

READ MORE ON: breakfast nutrition

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