5 Upper-Body Strength Moves for Cyclists
These arm, back, and core moves will help you fight fatigue on long rides.
These arm, back, and core moves will help you fight fatigue on long rides. – By Chris Carmichael
Cyclists rarely give their upper bodies much thought, but the stretched-out position of road riding places a unique stress on the muscles of the neck, shoulders, and upper back. By strengthening these areas, you’ll become more resistant to fatigue. Here are some exercises I recommend. Do two or three sets of 10 reps twice a week in the off-season, or once a week if you’re putting in big miles on the bike.
[box]LIFT RIGHT: Use weights that are challenging, but light enough that you can complete the full 10 reps. Control your movements to minimise the impact of momentum. If you have a shoulder injury or restricted mobility from previous injuries, check with a physical therapist for alternatives.[/box]
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