Athlete Logs Strava’s Billionth Activity

Michael Finch |

The popular social fitness app reached a major milestone recently, with cyclists playing a big part. – By Riley Missel


Cyclists logging their rides with Strava, the popular social fitness app, have helped the company reach a major milestone: The Strava community just logged its one billionth activity.

On Sunday, May 21, an athlete known as Patrick in Berlin, Germany, shared the billionth activity on Strava: a 1,850-meter swim that took 44 minutes and 25 seconds to complete.

“I’m getting ready to race a cross triathlon this summer. I haven’t been in the pool for almost a year, so it was time to start swimming again,” says Patrick.

The earliest activity shared on Strava was a ride from the Fontaine-de-Vaucluse in the south of France (completed on April 12, 2008) by one of Strava’s first employees, Davis Kitchel. The 13km ride covered seven Strava segments.

“Cycling is where Strava got its start and it has been amazing to see the bond it has created among cyclists in 195 countries,” said Gareth Nettleton, Strava’s VP of marketing. “We’re looking forward to seeing what the community inspires as it creates billions more activities.”

A rapidly growing social network for athletes, Strava adds 1,000,000 new members every 40 days, and athletes share an average of 1,382,138 activities per day on the network.

Strava hasn’t yet disclosed how may of these billion activities were logged by cyclists, but we’ve definitely put a dent in the numbers: Of the 20,869,631,829km Strava users have covered under their own power to date, 18,678,906,961 of those kilometres were accomplished by bike.

READ MORE ON: cycling news strava

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