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Tour de Worcester

About the race

Distances are 115km and 86km Road Race and a 109km and 46km Gravel Race.

This iconic race takes the cyclists on an out and back from the Lions Creek Farm to Louwshoek and back again before looping round the stunningly beautiful Nuy Valley.

However, we are doing things slightly differently this time.

Road race – New route

On Sunday 6 October we head out to Lions Creek Farm in the Nuy Valley. Here we have 2 road races on the go – an 86km race plus the tough 115km race which takes in the famous Nuy Valley gravel climb, not once, but twice!

We are also hosting a 100km gravel race which starts at Lions Creek and follows the roadies until Nekkies, where they turn towards Robertson and Rooberg before heading back, past Saggy Stone to the finish.

There’s also a 48km gravel bike fun ride from Willowcreek towards Rooiberg and back again.

Course and distances:

115km road | Entry: R400

86km road | Entry: R325

109km gravel | Entry: R325

45km gravel | Entry: R150

For more information and to enter, click here


October 6, 2024
R150 – R400
Event Categories:
, ,
45km, 86km, 109km, 115km


Lions Creek Estate
Lions Creek Estate
Nuy, Western Cape South Africa
+ Google Map