Best Pics from the 2021 Cape Town Cycle Tour


With near-perfect weather and restricted numbers, the postponed 43rd edition of the Cape Town Cycle Tour turned out to be one of the most memorable in history.

Here’s a look back at some of our best images from this year’s event courtesy of the official event photographers.

@Tobias Ginsberg
@Tobias Ginsberg
@Tobias Ginsberg
@Tobias Ginsberg
@Tobias Ginsberg
@Tobias Ginsberg
@Tobias Ginsberg
@Tobias Ginsberg
@Tobias Ginsberg
@Tobias Ginsberg
@Karin Schermbrucker
@Chris Hitchcock
@Chris Hitchcock
@Tobias Ginsberg
@Craig Kolesky
@Craig Kolesky
@Craig Kolesky
@Karin Schermbrucker
@Karin Schermbrucker


READ MORE ON: Cape Town Cycle Tour

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