8 Mistakes You’re Making With Your Indoor Cycling Setup That Could Cost You Watts

Use these tips to crank out more power than you even knew you had.


Whatever your preferred method of indoor cycling may be—wheel-on trainer, direct-drive trainer, exercise bike, or rollers—most cyclists can agree that indoor riding tends to be a bit drab compared to outdoor riding. Instead of whizzing past scenery and breathing fresh air, you’re staring at a screen or, goodness forbid, a wall.

“Generally, it’s less comfortable to ride indoors because your bike isn’t actually moving,” says cycling coach Paul Warloksi. “There’s stale air blowing, and there’s less stimulation.”

While those are generalisations, Warloski says—because you can create a pretty nice indoor setup—they are common pitfalls of indoor riding, even for spinning class aficionados. Other common problems with indoor cycling include lower power output, boredom, and greater susceptibility to chafing and saddle sores (if you don’t know what saddle sores are, consider yourself blessed).

3 Killer (But Fun) Indoor Trainer Workouts

In this guide, Warloski and two other certified cycling coaches share their best advice for optimising your indoor bike setup, including the mistakes you want to avoid and getting the most out of indoor sessions.

Mistakes You’re Making With Your Bike Trainer Setup

Indoor bike trainers encompass any type of trainer that attaches to a bike. This includes direct-drive trainers, which connect to your bike’s cassette, and wheel-on trainers, which utilise an axle and a flywheel to create friction against your tyre. To make your indoor rides more comfortable, avoid these mistakes:


READ MORE ON: indoor cycling indoor riding

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