6 Long-Distance Cycling Tips To Finish Strong

Doing the Old Mutual Wealth Double Century, or have another long distance ride planned? Make it more enjoyable with these strategies.


Successful, long-distance cycling often comes down to strategy and planning, and not just fitness. Dialing in your preride preparation goes a long way in the having fun department. And this rule applies to more experienced cyclists, too.

As an ex-professional cyclist, Alex Stieda knows just what it takes to make it through a long bike ride.

Of course, long rides do require a certain level of endurance, and it’s best to work on gradually building the distance and intensity of your rides. “Say your weekend ride is two hours. Over a period of eight weeks, add about a half hour to each ride; in two months you’ll be ready for a century ride,” Stieda says.

He also advises adding more time in the saddle. “Be sure to sneak in another ride or two of at least an hour during the week,” he says. When you’re training for long-distance cycling, not every ride has to be a quad-killer. Recovery rides are just as important for building your fitness base.

So whether you want to go for your longest ride yet or tackle a double century, use these tips from Stieda to feel strong through the final kilometre.

6 Long-Distance Cycling Tips

1. Adjust Your Pedalling Speed

If you want to last long on a ride, you can’t go all out right from the start. That also means pedalling in an efficient gear—one that isn’t too hard and won’t fry your legs. Opt for a slightly easier gear with a higher cadence versus one that’s lower because the pedals are harder to turn over.

“By maintaining a cadence of at least 90 rpm, you give your aerobic and muscular systems a break,” Stieda says. “Think of lifting a 10kg bench press 10 times instead of one rep of 100: You lift the same amount but with less overall effort.”

2. Eat and Drink More

When you’re out on a long bike ride, nutrition and hydration are key for sustaining your effort. Stieda says to aim to drink about one bottle per hour, depending on heat and exertion level.

“Don’t worry so much about what you mix with the water; the water is what’s most important,” he says. “Eat a bite or two of food every 15 minutes—consistency over the day is crucial. If you’re out beyond two hours, plan a stop to refill bottles and have a snack.”

3. Use the Rule of Thirds

If a long ride still seems overwhelming, divide it into three (more or less) equal distances and have a plan for each of those segments.

“The first segment should feel easy, just spinning along. During the second, you should start to feel your muscles working. If you have any jam left, show it in the last third. Nothing screams ‘rookie’ like jumping away on the first climb only to bonk and need to be babysat to the finish,” Stieda says.

4. Pay Attention to the Wind

The wind can be your friend, or it can be your enemy. “If you start with a tailwind, roll easy—you’ll have a headwind on the way home. In a group, stick together during headwind stretches so you can take turns at the front working to shelter the others,” he says.

5. Plan for Trouble

With longer rides come greater odds that things might get complicated—you might get a flat, or your chain could break (one reason why regular bike maintenance is so important!). It’s likely your ride will be smooth sailing, but you should be prepared regardless. At a minimum, carry gear to fix at least two flats, a multitool, your cell phone, your ID, and cash.

“I stash some cash under my shoe insole,” Stieda says. He also recommends following the code of the road: “Stop for any rider in need. The good deed will come around one day.”

6. Stay Pain Free

Aches and pains crop up during long rides. To minimise them, move around on your bike. Periodically change hand positions, keeping your thumbs wrapped around the bar or brake lever for security.

To relieve your neck and shoulders, shrug for five to 10 seconds. On a clear stretch of road, reach one hand up between your shoulders for a few seconds, then swap hands.

To stretch your hamstrings while coasting along, stand up and drop one pedal so your leg is straight. Let your heel sag below the pedal. Hold for 20 seconds, then switch legs.

READ MORE ON: cycling tips Double Century long distance

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